
Our Surgery Partners team is comprised of more than 12,000 employees and 4,600 affiliated physicians, serving more than 600,000 patients annually. Want to work with us? Check out our current employment opportunities.

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Job Scam Alert

Thank you for your interest in a career at Surgery Partners. The safety and security of your personal information is extremely important to us. Job scams are becoming increasingly common, and job seekers should be vigilant in protecting themselves from these fraudulent schemes. Be wary of any job opportunity that requires you to pay a fee or provide personal information before being hired, or that guarantees you a job without an interview or background check. Also be wary of jobs that ask you to deposit checks or wire money.

We never ask candidates to send personal information such as social security numbers, bank account information or money during the interview and selection process.


Health Price Transparency

To retrieve the machine-readable Surgery Partners Employer Sponsored Health Price Transparency file, enter the term “surgery-partners” (the hyphen is required) in the search field at and click the magnifying glass to show only the Surgery Partners file. Click the filename to download it to your device.